Recent Rules as Code Diary

GPT4 and Rules as Code

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LitCon, DocaCon, ICLP, Event Reasoning

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Long Time No Blog

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Relevance in Blawx with s(CASP)

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Rules as Code, ?, Profit

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Blawx Development Update and Other News

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Recap of Rules As Code 2.0 Plenary

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New Blawx, Rules as Code 2.0 Plenary, SMU Conference Vids Available

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Introducing CLEAN - Markdown for Akoma Ntoso

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Code vs. No-Code

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Progress on Blawx, SMU Conference, Beeck Centre Rules as Code Paper

Using OpenFisca to Power Expert Systems in the Canadian Public Service: Lessons Learned

Legal Documents in Blawx, Take 2

Announcing Blawx v1.0.0-alpha

All Rules as Code Diary